All Expectations leads to failure! There are two ways to be happy: improve your reality or dissolve the expectations No expectation no disappointment: First of all we should understand what we mean by failure. Failure means lack of success in what we are aspiring for. We do actions to achieve that but somehow we collapsed, but doesn’t mean we didn’t learn from it , we obviously did from that , it made us strong , it gave us knowledge it gave us experience even if we have not reached the destination , somehow we moved further and next time we start from the level where we collapsed. The hope should not die within us we should always try to achieve what we are seeking for, until and unless we don’t achieve our mind will not be able to be in peace , will be difficult to concentrate on rest of the objects ,so it’s advisable first achieve that after achieving don’t get attached to it . once you have that just try to be with it try to feel that bliss what it ...