Yoga (beyond conscious and matter)
Life itself is a mystery we don’t know what is the main purpose of coming here in this space. What makes us conscious in relation with matter? Why we really don’t understand our self, what do we exist here . what is the real purpose of life is it just to achieve materialistic things or to seek beyond that. That something is there which is free from all the distractions which acts like bondage and contracts us from true nature. Sometime we don’t even realize that where the problem is. Being aware is the first step and yoga teaches you how to be more aware of the matter around you. Then slowly and gradually you can come out of everything and experience that emptiness within you. We have forgotten our true nature but it’s not our fault it was designed like this. Matter will exist because there is consciousness but we have to be absolute conscious, not from relative way of conscious. We have to experience the freedom of joy within us that brings us closer to the ultimate reality .

Mystery of life
The philosophy of yoga deals with greatest mysteries of life, to question it and then to find a solution for it .But Do we really understand what yoga is do we really want to know the depth what we are seeking . If yes then we have to put all our breath (vital energy) into it. Large number of people from all over the world is trying to solve this mystery by knowing and analyzing their experiences and trying to get realized in a right way. Simple way to understand this mystic will be combining both ancient and modern lifestyle. A specific outlook which evaporates from within you.
Yes it is not easy nor difficult also, It is just simple! But not having those skills to understand which are polluted with our desires linked with the objectified and subjectified things makes it complicated. It's not us who makes this stuff it’s the mind And the relation  with the  matter makes those thoughts move  in motion like how ship travelers in the huge  waves.  Where you are unable to control the direction of the ship same way your thoughts become handicapped and you’re unable to control them and you just don’t know where you’re going. We have to think beyond objective and subjective things, we are neither this nor that; we have to meditate on nothingness and that will only come after knowing first and then what not to know. so first you have to know it ,then you have to unknown it , pretending that you are an alien to it  but somewhere subconsciously you know . But consciously you are not there

Knowing transcendence (beyond time, space and casualty)
Now being aware of the ignorance will make you feel connected with the enlightenment and after transcending that also unknowingly will make you a realized soul. An energy which makes you move, Makes you think, makes you talk, and makes all the action of this cosmic universe in relation with you. We should be good in understanding things around us what makes us act like that , what makes us stop to get connected with cosmic soul (energy), what makes us trouble, who gives us misery , who gives us pain , that understand of the mind needs to be balanced with perfection in systematic and disciplined way. . Once you know that whole manifestation of the cosmic energy is within you, once you start contemplating on those energies you become that.  Now you become timeless, you are formless, you are not bounded with anything, you are beyond space now, and you feel that absolute bliss within you because now you have become the source. Nothing bothers you now. You are one with that. You  are the creator , you are the destroyer  and you are the sustainer of each particle present in the cosmos.

Absolute bliss
Yoga has a way to achieve that absolute bliss within self. It gives the path and also directs in much perspective that how you can achieve that oneness and make yourself liberated from everything. How you can achieve that by acknowlging first that there is a problem , after acknowledging you need to know what caused the problem ,now we seek to resolve ,find a solution for getting caused and then we start the treatment of the problem ,which is only through yoga according to ancient  Indian scriptures. Its universal. It’s for everyone, it doesn’t talk about any religion nor culture its purely related for humanity to go for next form evolution , which is spirituality. Yoga is a science of an art that how the prana (vital energy) flows, inside us. Who makes you believe there is something superior than everything. Which functions all the motions in this space? But we even have to go par that. First we have to know it , then we learn it and later we forget it and stay in absolute trance

Evolving consciousness
Yes according to the time even the understanding of yoga has evolved because the thought and people have also evolved during the course of time so things had to improvise according to the lifestyle of the people. It’s a way of life and it tells how to live. It directly comes from the source who created this in form of manual so we can understand that there is a purpose of living it is not just simply aspiring and desiring and achieving those things and leave that behind. A person who is in his last stage of his life hardly able to breath , they then realize what all I did in this life. All the flashback of life appears and which gives you understand that nothing remains , I was looking in some other direction and they become more spiritually connected  because they can experience I’m taking nothing back , I came empty handed and will go empty handed .

Ultimate reality
There is definite purpose for it which each one has to seek by his own experience by being more aware of your surroundings there’s is no one way there are lot of different ways to achieve that but the destination is same the ultimate goal of all human existence is to reach there but at the same time everyone can’t reach, that’s why we are born again to have that chance again to realize. Through the help of our mind, intellect and ego and go beyond matter and consciousness and metamorphose that supreme consciousness.
it came from lord Shiva ,who himself is everything , he realized these things and discarded everything lives an ascetic life with putting ash all over himself. He knows these are illusions which distracts us to be pure, so he avoids to not to get deluded by the senses what they perceive, nothing is there really it’s just manifestation of our senses and these senses stop or control us to get realized because then we are utilizing our time in what we don’t have to rather than what we have to spiritually.

Short Story:
Sadhu was walking in the bazaar with a large group of followers. Whatever Sadhu did, his followers immediately copied. Every few steps Sadhu would stop and shake his hands in the air, touch his feet and jump up yelling “Hu Hu Hu!”. So his followers would also stop and do exactly the same thing. One of the merchants, who knew Sadhu, quietly asked him:”What are you doing my old friend? Why are these people imitating you?”
I have become a Sanayasi,” replied Sadhu. “These are my sadhakas(spiritual seekers); I am helping them reach enlightenment!”
“How do you know when they reach enlightenment?”
“That’s the easy part! Every morning I count them. The ones who have left – have reached enlightenment!”

In the end I would just like to say keep it simple ,stay grounded ,serve others ,speak truth,be content, be compassion, love, meditate ,do austerity ,read ancient scriptures and surrender to the cosmos. You will be liberated here now in present.

Thank you for your valuable time
Article by bhanu pratap singh rana

Hari om
Om tat sat !


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