Hanuman is real as the personification of spiritual wisdom represents by Him to the human mankind. Hanuman is not as real as the physical body of the Monkey-Human-Creature. Though that is representing the various form evolving into the manifestation of the practical mankind to evolve into a subtle impression through that form. Hanuman is real as the spiritual instruction and values related with His Divine Mission for the benefit of the practical spirituality of humankind.
Pictures of Hanuman and stories about Him are to strike a chord in us of the practical spiritual wisdom following them. Hanuman being the greatest yogi of time can be seen through various stories depicting the deepest insight for equilibrium through strength, devotion, preserve
Chiranjeevi: He is Pawana Putra, the active element AIR, (Prana, life force)  wind, known as the strongest of the Deva ’s, he will be there as long as the earth is there, so he is called a Chiranjeevi If he goes we will all go. Being the 4th Chiranjeevi out of all 7.

Rama's own words we infer that Hanuman was a great scholar of the Vedas, grammar, prosody, poetics, statesmanship, fine arts and many other arts and sciences. He was the best political ambassador and diplomat ever. His oratory skills were cultured by truth, diligence, natural talent, the repeated study of scriptures and experience such that even an enemy would stand impressed when he spoke!
Now the sympathetic of yoga is not the physical characteristic which is widely implicit in the modern world. One has to integrate the understanding in their life by doing several skillful proceedings to experience equilibrium or synchronization with the act. receiving the mastery over the act would allow and straighten out to attain the condition of yoga in perception towards what one is inquiring about or what individual is keen on .this could be any activity from being a businessman, to the artist, to the professor to the computer job one has to full devoted them with full of love and joy .

What makes hanuman the enormous yogi is the mammoth amount of attributes, boons, siddhis (psychic power), Vidya (knowledge) one has triumphed over for the devotion headed for Rama. Ultimately one transcends the whole obsession intended for serving the Rama. Hanuman had a tremendous self-control, determination, strength of mind, self will accomplish and to be inquiring to acquire the best of it;
Hanuman was blessed by gods, sages and by nature because of his devotional unselfish service and received this several forces after contemplating, meditating and astonishing numerous greater forces and was rewarded for it
  • IMMORTALITY (Yama, the God of Death blessed him)
  •  NO WEAPON CAN KILL HIM (As blessed by Lord Brahma).
  • NOBODY CAN KILL HIM (Vishwakarma blessed him that Hanuman would be protected from all his creations in the form of objects or weapons).
  • MAARUTATULYAVEGAM (the one who has a speed equal to the wind God).
  • JITENDRIYAM (the one who has complete control over his senses).
  • BUDDHIMATAAMVARISHTHAM (who is most senior among intellectuals).
  •  BAJRANG BALI (a strong one, who had limbs (Anga) as hard as a Vajra).

An individual who practices yoga sincerely and honestly will also accomplish these attributes though even being from lower mortality would not be able to distinguish these understanding when lay down in the practice with selfless service intention would begin developing these skills. Advancing in those skills will cause deep effect and will attain several qualities from being in the circumstances of yoga.
The whole understanding of yoga is in the Vedic scriptures and being the master of this Vedic scriptures hanuman knows about being in the state and on the path of yoga.
Understanding of yog Darshana also describes the characteristics of yogi and it is no different than the characteristics of hanuman.

·       Anima: Ability to reduce one's size.
·       Mahima: Ability to increase one's size.
·       Garima: Ability to increase one's weight infinitely.
·       Laghima: Ability to become lighter than the lightest.
·       Prapti: Ability to obtain anything.
·       Prakamya: Ability to acquire anything desired.
·       Iṣiṭva: Lordship over creation.
·       Vasitva: Having control over things.

  • Hanuman’s minimalism:
  • A devotee is very simple. It's not complicated, problematic, difficult, and knotty. Life of devoted being is in the direction of the service of the ultimate. This simplicity of Hanuman is illustrated and told over all temples around the sphere. In the form stories, prayers, chants
  • An incident where Sita explains hanuman about Sindur (red mark on the forehead) is portrayed my love and devotion and benefit with elongated life and defend from devastation. Listening to this hanuman covered completely himself with Sindur all over him "if a tiny bit of red color can save ram I will cover myself completely in red” considering this Rama was sincerely moved by hanuman innocence bhakti aspect
  • Today all the devotee of hanuman put that red mark on their forehead all over temples in India
  • When Rama was in the forest on an exile. Hanuman served him all along, he would use his huge tail as white umbrella this was the traditional symbol of royalty, the same tail would serve as a flag, fan and etc. Hanuman every act was seen for the supreme all there was absolute devotion for ram in his eye.
  • What happens when we serve without any expectation from the serving gets the utmost essence. This essence creates the equilibrium with the cosmos and making one with ram(cosmos).
  • There is no difference between ram and hanuman. They both came out of one source. the source of Brahma but the role, identity is different than from each other  both has a purpose to evolve from it and respectively follow their purpose without raising , disturbing  the ego .hanuman had the same strength as ram had  may be more but one never showed this strength against him but used it as union with ram.

  • Selfless Service
  • Hanuman was empowered with many qualities but he chooses to serve ram all life, even now anyone will chant the name of ram I will be present there. Hanuman is immortal he was given a boon of remaining immortal would never die.
  • Hanuman rejected to get liberated from Rama as he was rewarded by ram for service towards him, Hanuman said I have no desire of liberation where you won’t be my master and I cannot serve you, so as long as the name of ram will be chanted hanuman would be present. Often hanuman comes in the Rama Katha (Rama story) where ever it’s been spoken. 
  • Narada muni also accepts the greatest devotee as hanuman when Narada Muni was seeking for the greatest devotee.
  • He carried out medical service to in the battlefield to the wounded ones, even treating the Rama wounds and singing songs for him to not feel the pain.
  • Once Laxman was struck by black magic by Idrajeet (Ravana brother) injury was relatively severe and if would not be treated on time Laxman could drop life. A herb which is present in the Himalayas can save the life of Laxman and another being, promptly hanuman went for the Himalayas to find this herb, getting lost, confusing in many herbs he thought of captivating the whole mount along with him to Lanka. Later Laxman was saved by this act of Hanuman.
  • This act represents the service and devotion and belief that no matter things in life will be tough, perplexing, and not obvious but sticking there and conveying the whole thing along, being patient enough will certainly find a solution towards it. There is always a solution to the problem inside the problem it appeared because it appeared unsolved. One has to go through this unknown path to know what the path was about.
  • An incident when Hanuman was moving huge rocks in the sea to build a path for Rama to cross the sea and go to Lanka to get Sita back. At the same time this spider was helping the sand to slide in the sea, seeing this act by spider hanuman went ahead to move the spider away and was stopped by Rama wait "as you serve me to please me according to your capacity, the other serves me according to their capacity and it is as much pleasing as your act pleases me” 
  • Lesson what we learn here is. Any act we do is for the service for the ultimate, we always have something to offer to the supreme with fullest of heart, soul and it will be accepted by the supreme.
  • The other thing is that we should never belittle or obstruct any act of service in their path for the supreme.

BIRTH OF HANUMAN: son of Shiva (greatest yogi was born )
A beautiful apsara(angel) named Anjana lived(celestial palace of Lord Brahma).she was the biological mother of Hanuman. She was cursed by the sage, (the moment she fell in love her face would transform to that of a monkey). Lord Brahma thought of helping her and she took birth on Earth Being an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, she continued with her tapasya to please the God. Lord Shiva was impressed and she wished him to be her son so that she is free from the curse.
She was cursed by a sage who was a monkey
Later, Anjana fell in love with Kesari, the monkey king and they both married each other and thus Shiva was born as Hanuman.
On the other hand, in a faraway kingdom, King Dasaratha of Ayodhya was performing a religious Ashvamedha Yagna to have children who were blessed with a divine sweet by Lord Agni that was to be shared among his three wives. And Vayu, the Wind God, under the instruction of Lord Shiva carried a portion of the sweet, gave it to Anjana and blessed her. Anjana soon ate the divine sweet and instantly she could feel the blessing of Shiva. Vayu told her that she will soon be a mother of a son who will possess intelligence, courage, tremendous strength, speed and the power to fly. And thus the hanuman was born as the son of Vayu (wind god)

HARE RAM (closure)
If one intimately gets the profound understanding of the life of Hanuman and what all hanuman accomplish during his time, after years of sadhana(specific practice) and abhayasa (practice). Surrendered in the service for ram this aspect clearly shows the greatest bhakti, devotional, unconditional love for the supreme. The whole understanding of yoga, Vedic scriptures, and rituals is to develop this attitude in all of us. This essence understands either by life experiences, reading scriptures, or knowing by through mythology. We should develop the qualities of hanuman by contemplating on the achievement and accomplishments what one did for the mankind. Seek in to know the aspect of Hanuman, the greatness of Hanuman and being the great yogi.


This link will take you to understand the Ramayana in a short comic modern, traditional perspective. . Which will give you the essence of the whole Ramayana? This movie is by Nina 

EMAIL id : yogasvarupe@gmail.com


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