International yoga day

International yoga day
“Yoga “a word, term, method, life , that does not need much explanation these days due to its popular acceptance over the boundaries crossing the nations and making it a global religion without discriminating. A practice or method or life which if an individual imbibes would help them to integrate the body and mind and get the experience of the absolute union .the union of not only the self but the union of the world, religion, thoughts and so on. The fact that one can understand this is not sticking to the idea of duality but something eternal which one experiences by directly that it has given a large acceptance and not getting stuck in the idea of religion (Hinduism).
·         “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” –The Bhagavad Gita

Importance of 21 June:
As 21 june being the longest day of the year becomes the purpose to be International Yoga Day as this is the longest day in the earth’s northern hemisphere and has considerable magnitude for nations throughout the world. When it is said that yoga unites the body and mind, it means there is a link of this practice to the cosmos plane. It is a plane which is spiritual and cannot be perceived in physical and material form. The original founder personalities who formulated this practice of yoga in India did gain the link with the cosmic plane with the human mind. They had postulated that lord Shiva the celestial being that was the first yoga practioner and commence to impart this knowledge to mankind on this day of June. If the scientific base for the date is looked into this day also becomes the summer solstice the longest day in the northern hemisphere. This tradition of summer solstice in the Indian almanac is termed as dakshinayana which is auspicious for all spiritual process being pursued by mankind.
For the one who wants to start their journey towards the self to know the truth becomes the best to start and bring changes in their lifestyle and habits towards the wellbeing of themselves and others too.
UN approved: created history
On this special day of 21 June 2018 more than 170 countries of the world celebrate world yoga day showing their interest and support since 4years. General Assembly of United Nations acknowledged the yoga practices and to encourage this among the masses, declares June 21, as International Yoga Day to be celebrated throughout the world every year. It’s a global commemoration of yoga among the citizens of various nations through convention, meditation, yoga, discussion, and other way of accomplishment. It is celebrated worldwide by coordinating activities such as yoga encampment, Yoga contest, and various activities to increase the awareness about advantages of yoga to masses all over the world.  The motive behind this celebration is to encourage people for regular yoga practice that results into a healthy and balanced life both mentally and physically.

Uttrakhand: dev bhoomi (land of deities, demigods, spirits):

facts of the state by how the energies of this land is been ordered as such to create the journey to reveal the self gets enhanced in this region of the mid Himalayas .yoga is always been centered  in these mountains giving this tremendous knowledge since the ancient time of Vedas from the rishis ved vyasa to agustmuni , from shankaracharya to vivekanada ,the land where the god(cosmic force)is still residing Where yoga was originated to create a vision for the humanity .where ayurveda and other many scriptures or sages were contemplating in the mattes of Shiva seen as the mountains of Himalayas. Being an Indian I feel honored and proud of the fact that yoga is maintained and cultured overall these times since the ancient, we should keep maintain this tradition and try to protect it from getting diluted or adulterated now which is transforming the viewpoint of specially in the western world but still bringing all the countries over globe into oneness with yoga.
Aim (vision):
The key part of the event is to make people aware of the practices and techniques and the experiential aspects of the yoga path so one can understand their body and mind to unite them and experience the beyond duality .one can follow their body and discover how their mind can be altered and stay at peace.
  • To aware people about the benefits of yoga.
  • To bring meditation into practice.
  • To diminish the rate of life-threatening diseases by this naturopathy.
  • To prevent unhealthy activities and to promote the healthy activities that are boon for healthy life.
  • To build up strong coordination among people throughout the world.
  • To encourage the stronger sense of harmony between nature and man

though every day should be celebrated as yoga day, if one feels to start their journey , then it seems to be the best timing in the cosmos where it becomes favorable for the aspirants

In this fast moving life filled with so much stress and tension, yoga is the only means to stable our mind and body to cope with the imbalances prevailing globally be it man-made or natural.  People sense refreshment and blossoms with energy and interactive mind every single day while practicing yoga.  Yoga bequeaths the ability to command body and mind.  To get rid of unhealthy lifestyle incorporates yoga into your life.  Love for yoga automatically takes you on a smooth ride over the mental, physical and spiritual path.

Thank you for your valuable time
Article by Bhanu Pratap Singh Rana
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Hari Om
Om tat sat!


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