Things to know before Yoga Teacher Training

Are you ready for yoga teacher training? 
You need to ask this question to yourself again and again because the course is very demanding and effortful. Teacher training goes on for a month with starting early morning and classes are whole day till the night

It requires firm resolve to be doing the practice and attending each class with determination. Students often complain about the course getting too much on their nerves especially with the fact of attending each class with full concentration and strength of physical and mental aspects from morning to the night without having much break gets really exhausting.Especially if one is new to the understanding of yoga practice can be over the top.

Demand for yoga training has increased rapidly; a large number of schools is growing around the world because of intense popularity in wellbeing, lifestyle, healthcare, style, status and etc.

Factors to be looked before starting yoga teacher training


Chose a school accordingly:
you should do your own proper research. Check all the details about the school get the detailed information about the school, course, meals, accommodation and etc. certification of the school. The registered website, call on the landline to check. An important aspect is to see what the school if offerings, what style of yoga do they teach and accordingly select the yoga teacher training. There are several schools of yoga and their practices are accordingly and choose what you really look for The website can be misleading: people have experienced completely different scenario when they have reached the yoga training school, content, pictures, information, the address cannot be a really trustworthy source of information. What it looks like it might not look when you come closer. Check the source of payment gateway is correct sometimes there would be fake websites or gateways to take the money Check the weather:
One should also inquire the temperature and weather of that region accordingly when you want to book your dates. Bring the necessary things according to the weather so you don't get disturbed in the practice. Start practicing before the training starts: To get up early morning in itself is the intense practice. Course requires getting up at 4 and starting the training and if one is not in the practice of getting up early can be very hard in the beginning just to get up early morning which affects the other practices and classes. So make the routine now and start getting up early at least a week before the training starts. So you can concentrate on the classes then falling asleep. Provide all important information:
Always inform the school if you have any ailment or on a medication before you start the course. To avoid the further consequences of not doing the yoga teacher training. many students they come for a course but the realize they won't be able to continue because of medical issues Right accessories :
Clothes: practicing yoga doesn't need anything fancy .all you need to wear something loose and easy which allows you to move freely in the poses Yoga mat: it's better to have your own mat that remains with your sweat and dirt than used from the school or from the previous students because you never know where the foul smell comes. Cell phone and other gadgets: yoga requires you to be present at the moment and be fully aware of each and every sensation you experience. A ringing phone will not only distract you but will also disturb those around you. The course would nor demand or offer you much time to be the phone. Finish off your payments, inform the banking, friends, and relatives otherwise they would get worried and cause you disturbance. Medical and first aid: Always check with your doctor and the Dept. of State before traveling to a foreign country. Securing the necessary vaccinations and medications when visiting or moving to another country

In the training

Getting used to simple meal:
food plays an important role in the yoga teacher training .most of the school gives very simple and basic meals which the western world may not be used to eat this kind of food especially when they see on taste or nutritive value .yogi sees the food beyond the senses and pleasure and satisfies in what is necessary to keep the practice for meditation. Restrict yourself from going and eating from restaurants and cafes or street which may occur unsuitability to the body which will lead to illness. Intensive day routine everyday: most of the yoga teacher training courses start the courses in early morning at 4 am to evening till 8 pm .including all the meditation asana pranayama cleaning practices chanting and etc. not only physically strength is needed but also mental determination to keep up in each class so one does not misses out .sometimes student leave the course because of intense schedule that could not cope up in the practice with others specially when you get older one needs to take it easy courses .you should practice right away if you plan to book for yoga teacher training A daybreak: the course goes on for 4 weeks. Important to take a day off or time for you to analyze the effects of the practice on the self .too much exertion is not really needed. Yoga doesn't happen in 30 days it happens at every sec, every min, and every hour. it's happening all the time is you are aware enough Safety precautions: yoga students should be careful while doing the physical poses .well yoga is considered to heal from injuries but doesn't mean cannot cause injury. Accidents and injuries can happen in any yoga class .specially the beginners one is more potential for an injury. Listening to the body, no to overstretch the muscles, usage of props, under the guidance of the instructor, could be effective tools to protect you from getting injured Energy management:
power naps, relaxation techniques are a really effective tool to boost your energy especially after the half of the day. Practices like yoga nidra, savasana, 10 min sleep are effective techniques to charge you up.

Post training

Keeping your practice always going on to allow yourself to gain knowlegde about the self. use this knowledge to reflect on yourself andbe harmonize in life experiences. To bring it to the surface and experience by your own direct contact with senses not under the boundaries of school, ashrams, religion, thought, etc. this knowledge would help you to have faith more on the path and on youself which will keep the jouney on. Learning new techniques can be boosting insight into newer approach or to even incorporate the aspect with each would give an enhancement of the one. Keep the practice always on, never give up, do it for the self, Don't attach to the practice.
This article was created on the basis of students experience after finishing their yoga teacher training. Several students expressed their views on safety measure during the whole course. This Article can be an effective tool to have better grip in the training. I hope this article would help the one who is seeking it.

Thank you for your valuable time
Article by Bhanu Pratap Singh rana
Email id:

Hari Om
Om tat sat!


  1. Good article. For me it was difficult to overcome jet lag when I first arrived, which is common in many travelers coming from afar. I suggest coming a few days before the classes begin to adjust. Also I like that you mentioned the weather because I think as a Westerner we always assume it's hot in India when in fact it was cold when I took my course. Thanks for the information! Namaste

    1. i missed the point of jet lag. Im glad that you mentioned it. thank you for valuable time. love is light .

  2. nice


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